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Thursday 11 July 2013

Here we go again.....

A few days after my 46th Birthday so it must be time to start another diet!  So, apart from the obvious fact that I need to lose weight - lots of weight - I am fed up of feeling like 'this'.  It's quite hard to say how 'this' feels though!  I have a big weight sitting on my head, it's an effort to keep my eyes open and most of the time I can't get through the day without a nap! I don't sleep very well and always wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed, everything aches and I get frequent headaches and migraines.  I came off anti-depressants after Christmas but I can feel myself sliding back down into the Pit of Eternal Despair again and I really don't like taking pills so I'm hoping my diet will sort everything out!

Too much to ask for a diet?  Not if everything I've been reading about a Primal diet is true, so this will be a reminder for me of how I've done on this journey, and hopefully keep me on track for more than a month, which seems to be normal diet life!

This morning I dragged myself out of bed and out to walk the dog thinking, Ok, today is the day I start my diet.  A few minutes into my walk and I was thinking "Thursday is a silly day to start a diet, surely Monday would be much better.  I could have Chocolate Stars for breakfast, and there is still a baguette in the bread bin...."  So I took a big sledge hammer and bopped that voice right on it's big fat head!  Woohoo!  I even did the dreaded 'Getting on the scales' thing.  My goal is to lose 50kg. Bleurgh.

I came in from Walkies and after I had fed the dog and the little fishes, fed my Mindies some breakfast and taken two of them to play group, given Baby M her bottle and settled her down for a nap and sorted out Miss M with an activity it was finally time for my breakfast.  Bacon, scrambled eggs and some mushrooms and left over cabbage sauted in some butter - who needs Chocolate Stars?!

Let's hope the rest of the day continues in such a positive frame of mind - I shall keep that sledge hammer handy!


  1. Great minds think alike! I'm aiming to lose 2lb per week, small goals but hopefully will keep me more on the straight an narrow. I'm on my second week and keeping up with it so far. Forcing myself to walk at lunchtime and get away from the desk. Must be something to do with our age don't you think??! Take care. Chel x

    1. I hope you are doing better than me Chel! You're very lucky to have the river so close to your work, must be lovely to walk along there in the sun!
